Monday, July 25, 2011

We have Contact...

So the big doctor meeting on Friday did not net a whole lot of anything except for more waiting and watching.  The drug the doctors came up with as a possible second line defense they are not particularly fond of due to Doug's immunocompromised state.  He continues to have no immune system and won't for some time.  This makes one of the biggest risks for him an infection.  In fact, the boys were here this weekend but Brogan coughed a few times over the course of the weekend, so they were unable to go in.  No risking anything.

So for the next few days we'll all sit tight and wait to see if his body and his current course of treatment work together to slowly turn his GVHD of the gut around.

On another note - Doug's donor sent him a letter.  It is not something that happens very often.  In fact the nurses were saying that in many, many years of doing BMT's this is pretty much a rarity.  Below is a copy of the letter word for German-English word:

Dear Genetic Twin,

It's two weeks ago that you got my stem cells and I hope they do their job and help you to recover.  How do you feel?  I was told it will take up to three months before you might get better, get well again.

I'm a 44 years old xxxx, married, we have two kids.  The boy is 8, the girl 6.  Do you have family?

I would be glad to hear from you if you feel well enough to answer, just a short message, how you are doing.

My thoughts are with you and I hope you'll get better soon - and finally well some time.

All the best,
Your genetic twin

Pretty fantastic!

Doug is getting ready for PT right now.  His favorite kind of medical professional!  He has asked several times if he can have a PT as his Primary Doctor since he credits the PT in VT for recognizing there was more going on than a sciatic nerve problem.

He has had a few good days over the weekend and we hope and pray that they continue.  Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement and posts back on the blog.  He has actually felt good enough to periodically check them over the last few days and he really enjoys the messages. The support is and has been tremendous and we thank you all for staying on this journey with us.


  1. Doug,

    My Family and I are always thinking about you and your progress through this. Sending many thoughts and prayers your way through this journey. Please, If you need anything let me know. I still travel back and forth to Boston every few weeks. I will be in town on Friday Aug 19th if you need anything or need me to bring anything from Vermont. Glad to help any way I can. We love you and miss you bro! -Paul Simon.

  2. We're thinking of you daily and checking this blog all the time for good news. I hope we can share a kiwi/mango and ice water drink with you this fall. --- John and Danielle

  3. We love you, Doug! Good thoughts and prayers heading your way all the time>

  4. My thoughts and prayers for all of you continue on a daily basis> Keep fighting the fight and continue getting better Doug!!!

  5. Mary-Kate and MattJuly 26, 2011 at 4:21 PM

    Doug and Missy, After reading this yesterday I had the most fantastic dream, eating muffins and playing crazy game show games in Doug's Dana Farber suite with a bunch of your family and friends while he was on the incredibly fast road to recovery. I am going to trust this is a vision of your easier road ahead. Love you both so much! Mary-Kate

  6. Wow, that is awesome that your donor wrote that letter. It made me cry. Thank god people offer things like this of themselves. Gives you hope in what can be an overwhelmingly sad world. So hoping you can catch a break soon. It's coming, I feel it!

